Sustainability In Interior Design - Week 1

Sustainability In Interior Design - Week 1

Introduction to a 6 week series exploring Sustainability in Interior Design

Sustainability is THE buzz word in interiors these days but what does it actually mean and more importantly how do you create an interior that is sustainable? Grab yourself a cuppa and lets delve in …..

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5 Ways to Reset Your Home

5 Ways to Reset Your Home

As the days start to get shorter, it’s time to think about resetting our homes for autumn and winter.

We are joined this month by Poppy Duffree of Organised Interiors who has compiled five steps to help you prepare and make sure your space is relaxing and inviting as we move into the winter months.

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Decorating your teenager’s university bedroom
Interior Design, Interiors, North Somerset, Bristol Becky Harrison Interior Design, Interiors, North Somerset, Bristol Becky Harrison

Decorating your teenager’s university bedroom

So, the day has finally come and your darling child is off to university! (blog post about what to turn their vacated room into to follow 😊 ) It is all very exciting until you arrive at their accomodation and find their room to be nothing more than a bland soulless box. Practical is the kindest description that can be given with the space they are presented with.

So how can you transform the space in a cost-efficient way? Obviously you will need to focus on items that you can bring with you but that doesn’t mean you should just go to your local Wilko and panic buy everything in there. We can make big impactful changes without spending huge amounts of money.

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Dopamine Decor
Interior Design, Interiors, North Somerset, Bristol Becky Harrison Interior Design, Interiors, North Somerset, Bristol Becky Harrison

Dopamine Decor

For the uninitiated, dopamine is a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger which when released into the brain induces feelings of happiness.

Dopamine dressing has been much talked about this year, it’s a simple concept really, it involves wearing clothes you love that boost your mood. They tend to be brightly coloured, sometimes involve colour drenching or mixing clashing prints. Well now I am pleased to introduce to you “Dopamine Décor!”

It is really the most joyful interior trend of recent years, forget pristine and intentional curation – this is all about items that spark joy, colour pairings that invigorate you and basically anything that pus a smile upon your face! Throw out your rule book and start embracing your true self ….. BUT ……….

How do I do this I hear you cry, well, here is my guide to dopamine dressing your home

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